Decide where you want to go
- Warm or cool
- Beach or touristic
Decide length of trip
- 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month
Research your costs
- This might affect where and how long your trip will be
- Do you want to backpack, stay in B&B, or stay in luxury hotels
- Are there going to be attractions to pay for
- Are you eating in restaurants or making some of your own meals
Start saving money
- Write down daily expenses and adjust – small adjustments add up and small purchases add up (i.e. bottle of water, snacks, coffee)
Example: $2000 trip in 8 months – save $8.33 per day that
is $56/wk - Open a TFSA account and do a weekly PAC for the amount you need to save (add a little for savings too while you are at it).
Stay Focused and Inspired
- Post a picture of your destination at work or on your fridge
- Pin it on Interest